The Old Penwithians Association has now built up a database of the names and addresses of nearly 500 old boys and former staff, together with some of their career details. The information in the database will be used only to enable the association to convey information or messages. Other than name and year of entry the information held in the database will not, under any circumstances, be passed to any third party without the permission of the persons concerned.
The majority of the people listed on the database were at the school during the 1950’s. The 1940’s and 1960’s are also well represented. If you have not yet sent us your details please send your name, address (including postcode), telephone number and e-mail address, your year of entry and, if you can remember it, your school number, to the database manager It is particularly important that you include your e-mail address if you have one. It would also be useful to have a brief summary of your career since leaving school. Please also encourage any other old boy you might know to do the same. We are particularly keen to hear from old boys who were at the school during the 1970’s. Our chairman, Larry Magor, and treasurer Paul Tyreman, are two such old boys and database and website manager Bill Burnett was a member of staff throughout that decade.
It is important to point out that entering your details in the database does not commit you to becoming a member of the association. However, you would need to become a member if you wish to receive a copy of the annual newsletter. Life membership of the association costs only £10. Send your details, as above, to Bill Burnett, Membership OPA, “Chy Ula”, Cockwells, Penzance TR20 8DB. Either enclose a cheque for £10 payable to Old Penwithians Association with your application form or contact the treasurer, Paul Tyreman, by phone or e-mail, and request bank details for electronic payment. See the “Contact Us” page. Please indicate your method of payment on the application form.
Download an application form here[The PDF form may be saved to your downloads folder]